Bio-Based Engine Degreaser, Drum

Bio-Based Engine Degreaser, Drum

D4526-0000-032 - Proxi® Hard Surface Cleaner - RTU

D4526-0000-032 - Proxi® Hard Surface Cleaner - RTU

D4522-SNAP-000 - SNAP! Proxi Multi Surface Peroxide Cleaner


SNAP Enviro Care® Multi Surface Peroxide Cleaner. Makes 640 Quarts. Recommended dilution is 1:256 (1/2oz) per gallon of water. Hydrogen Peroxide based multi-surface cleaner for use on floors, glass and mirrors, restroom fixtures, toilets, urinals, and other hard surfaces. Dilute at 5 ounces per gallon for spray bottles and 1/2 ounce per gallon for mop buckets or autoscrubbers. For use with SNAP System Dispensers Only. Ordering Information: Priced per case of four, 1/2 gallon containers.


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